maandag 11 juni 2012

11 juni Chinese test exam

Vanmiddag had ik me proeftoets voor Chinees. Dacht dat het pas op donderdag was, maar me klasgenootje sms'te 15 minuten voordat de proeftoets begon dat het vandaag was. Dus moest zo snel zijn, pakte een vest en bodywarmer wat ik snel aan kon doen en rende de deur uit. Toen ik thuis kwam en in de spiegel keek vond ik het best leuk staan. En dat wou ik even met  jullie delen, heb ook wat foto's gemaakt van me toets. Het ging zo slecht, had helemaal niet goed voorbereid. Vanaf nu elke dag leren leren leren...

Today I had a test exam for Chinese. Thought it would be on thursday, but my friend texted me 15 minutes before the test started that it was today. So I needed to hurry like crazy. Threw on a vest and my bodywarmer and ran out the door. When I came home and looked in the mirror I thought well that doesn't look to bad, quite liked it actually. So I wanted to share that with you and I took  some pictures of my test. It went so bad, didn't prepare well. From now on everyday is going to be all about learning Chinese.

Fake fur: made by my mom
Vest: Asos
Rest: can't remember the stores.

Succes als je ook in je tentamenperiode zit! 
Good luck to everybody who also have their examperiod!

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Cool Outfit!

    Lovely Greetings :)

  2. Wow, I really admire you :) It's great that you want to learn other interesting languages than only English :) Good luck!

  3. I love your blog! This post is awesome!
    Check out my blog, write your opinion and maybe...follow?
    Where are you from?

  4. Wow! Cool you have Chinese, I studied Japanese so I know how difficult the characters is. Haha.
    Anyhow, I love the fur and gold together!


  5. You're learning Chinese? So cool! And yes, the outfit does look great :D Sometimes when I'm in a hurry I come up with the nicest looks, but then I forget how I made them and can't do it again :D

  6. Looks soooo hard to learn !
    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know.
    XX Tali

  7. Wow, my hat's off to ya! Gook luck!

    Julie Nolan Astrological Jewelry Giveaway

  8. Wow, Chinese! I admire your linguistic skills!! Seems like a very hard language to learn.

  9. such lovely post! really nice blog! :)

    visit mine, and follow if you want. Let me know and I will follow back! :D

  10. Wow, that's amazing with your Chinese skills. Great vest. Your blog is lovely =)

    Suzie Q

  11. This furry vest is awesome !!!

  12. Wow, that Chinese looks pretty hard to me, and I'm actually Chinese xD Not very good at reading it though.
    The Undercover Dress-Up Lover x

    1. Haha it is indeed pretty hard, but I think speaking and listening is way more difficult. I have so much trouble with understanding people who speak Chinese.


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